Franklin компьютерный переводчик BFQ-575 Руководство

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Franklin компьютерный переводчик BFQ-575
Please read the following safety warnings
and precautions before using your device.
Note: If this device is to be used by young
children, this User’s Guide should be read to
them by an adult and their use of the device
should be monitored. Failure to do so may
cause injury.
1. Getting Started
1.1 Using for the First Time
The device uses two CR-2032 lithium batteries
that come pre-installed. Turn the device over
and gently pull the battery insulation sheet to
remove it.
Press to turn the product on. Use
a paper clip to gently press the RESET
button on the back of the device. For
more information, please see “Resetting
Your Device. Warning! Pressing the reset
button with more than light pressure may
permanently disable your unit. In addition,
resetting the unit erases settings and
information you may have entered.
When you turn this product on for the rst
time you must choose the message language.
Press A for French and B for English. The
message language is the language of the
prompts, help and other messages. You can
change the message language after your
initial selection. Please see Changing the
Language” for more information.
1.2 Replacing the Batteries
The batteries should be changed when you
see a low battery warning. Please have 2
new CR-2032 lithium batteries and a small
screwdriver at hand before you follow the
steps below.
Warning! If the batteries wear out completely,
or if you take more than a few seconds while
changing the batteries, any user entered
information may be erased. You should
always keep written copies of your important
1. Turn the unit o and turn it over.
2. Use the screwdriver to unscrew the
battery cover screw.
3. Push gently on the tab of the battery
cover and remove it.
4. Remove the old batteries.
• Note: Use a paper clip, if necessary, to
remove the old batteries.
5. Install 2 new CR-2032 lithium batteries
in their place with positive polarity
facing up.
• Important: Be sure that the batteries are
installed correctly. Wrong polarity may
damage the unit.
6. Replace the battery cover and secure it
with the screw.
Battery Precautions
• Dierenttypesofbatteriesornewandused
batteries should not be mixed.
• Non-rechargeablebatteriesarenottobere-
with the device.
• Rechargeablebatteriesaretoberemovedfrom
the device before being charged.
• Rechargeablebatteriesareonlytobecharged
under adult supervision.
• Onlybatteriesofthesameorequivalenttypeas
recommended are to be used.
• Thesupplyterminalsarenottobeshort-
• Donotexposebatteriestodirectheatortry
to take batteries apart. Follow the battery
manufacturers instructions for battery use.
• Alwaysremoveaweakordeadbatteryfromthe
• Toavoiddamagecausedbyleakageofthe
battery uid, replace the battery or batteries
once every two years regardless of how much
the device has been used during that time.
• Shouldabatteryleak,thedevicemaybecome
damaged. Clean the battery compartment
immediately, avoiding contact with your skin.
• Keepbatteriesoutofreachofsmallchildren.If
swallowed, consult a physician immediately.
1.3 Key Guide
Dictionary Keys
Goes to the dictionary.
Toggles the entry language
between English and French.
Conjugates a word.
Goes to the English thesaurus.
Goes to the Learning Exercises
Function Keys
punctuation marks.
Displays a help message.
Backs up, erases a letter, or turns
Types a space. In text, pages
down one screen at a time.
In the dictionary, goes to the
word entry screen. In the
calculator, clears all entries. In the
converter and databank, goes to
the main menu.
Goes to the main menu.
Enters a word, selects an item, or
begins a highlight in an entry.
of one or more letters. With MAJ,
types an asterisk to stand for a
series of letters. In text, displays
Confusables for a headword, if
Direction Keys
Moves in the indicated direction.
In text, press the left part of the
button ( ) to go to the previous
entry and press the right part
of the button ( ) to go to the
type a letter and then press the
upper part of the button ( )
repeatedly to cycle through the
accents available for that letter. In
the databank, type a space and
then press repeatedly to cycle
through the available symbols
and punctuation marks.
Follow the Arrows
The ashing arrows on the right
of the screen show which arrow
keys you can press to move
around menus or view more text.
1.4 Help is Always at Hand
You can view a help message at any screen by
. Use the direction keys to read
the message. To exit help, press
1.5 Viewing a Demonstration or
You can view a tutorial or a demonstration of
this dictionary at any time.
1. Press
2. Press to highlight Tutorial or View
3. Press
to select it.
• Tostopthedemonstrationorexitfrom
the tutorial and return to the menu, press
2. Changing the Languages
2.1 Selecting a Message
The message language is the language of
the prompts, help and other messages. You
can change the message language after your
initial selection. To do so, do the following:
1. Press
User’s Guide
French English
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