Mitsubishi Electronics детские аксессуары Q172HCPU Руководство

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Mitsubishi Electronics детские аксессуары Q172HCPU
3 - 32
The start accept flag list is shown below.
Axis No. Device No. Axis No. Device No. Axis No. Device No. Axis No. Device No.
1 M2001 9 M2009 17 M2017 25 M2025
2 M2002 10 M2010 18 M2018 26 M2026
3 M2003 11 M2011 19 M2019 27 M2027
4 M2004 12 M2012 20 M2020 28 M2028
5 M2005 13 M2013 21 M2021 29 M2029
6 M2006 14 M2014 22 M2022 30 M2030
7 M2007 15 M2015 23 M2023 31 M2031
8 M2008 16 M2016 24 M2024 32 M2032
(Note): The range of axis No.1 to 8 is valid in the Q172HCPU.
Do not turn the start accept flags ON/OFF in the user side.
• If the start accept flag is turned off using the Motion SFC program or peripheral devices while
this flag is on, no error will occur but the positioning operation will not be reliable. Depending
on the type of machine, it might operate in an unanticipated operation.
• If the start accept flag is turned on using the Motion SFC program or peripheral devices while
this flag is off, no error will occur but the "start accept on error" will occur at the next starting
and cannot be started.
(3) Personal computer link communication error flag (M2034)
....………. Status signal
This flag turns on when the communication error occurs in the personal
computer link communication.
• ON : Personal computer link communication error occurs
• OFF: No personal computer link communication error
(It turns off if normal communication is resumed.)
Refer to APPENDIX 1.5 for details on the PC link communication errors.
(4) Motion SFC error history clear request flag (M2035)
.……. Command signal
This flag is used to clear the backed-up Motion SFC error history (#8000 to
The Motion SFC error history is cleared at the turning M2035 OFF to ON.
After detection of the turning M2035 OFF to ON, the Motion SFC error history is
cleared, and then the M2035 is automatically turned OFF.
(5) Motion SFC error detection flag (M2039) .....….…… Status signal
This flag turns on with error occurrence at the execution of the Motion SFC
When turned off this flag, execute it by the user side after checking the error
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